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Hair Transplantation


Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution to the problem of hair loss or thinning in individuals experiencing hair loss. Hair transplantation involves the transfer of healthy hair follicles to areas where the hair roots are no longer active, leading to baldness or thinning. In this microsurgical procedure, healthy hair follicles from the individual are transplanted to the areas experiencing hair loss.

The process is personalized and tailored to each individual. Typically, resistant hair follicles from the back of the head, where hair loss is less common, are harvested and transplanted into channels created in the thinning or completely bald areas. The goal is to achieve a natural and permanent appearance that is indistinguishable from the rest of the hair on the head.

Hair transplantation is a minor surgical procedure, and it is safest when performed by specialized and experienced doctors and teams in a hospital setting. With this procedure, the person regains their own hair permanently, as if it had never fallen out. The ultimate objective of hair transplantation is to restore a natural and comfortable appearance using modern medical practices.

FUE Hair Implantation Method / Painless Procedure


In the FUE method, hair follicles are individually extracted from the chosen donor area, separated from the skin, and then implanted into the desired area. The hair follicles harvested from the donor area are implanted individually, not in clusters.


DHI Hair Transplantation Method / Painless Procedure


In the DHI technique, it is sufficient to shave only the donor area, allowing hair transplantation to be performed without shaving the area where the implantation will take place. This method is more preferable for women.


Eyebrow and Beard Transplantation


For beard, mustache, and eyebrow transplantation, the FUE method, similar to hair transplantation, is used.


PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)


PRP, or platelet-rich plasma therapy, is a treatment method where blood is taken from the individual, processed through various procedures, and then injected into the targeted tissues in the body. It can be used for aesthetic issues such as hair loss and skin rejuvenation, as well as to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints.

"Additional Services Included in Our Service Blood Tests

Protective Equipment (Neck Gaiter, Bandana)



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