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Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess fat and sagging skin in the middle and lower abdominal area. During the procedure, the abdominal muscles are tightened to enhance strength and firmness.




In individuals who do not have weight problems like obesity but have localized fat deposits that cannot be resolved through localized slimming methods, liposuction is a surgical procedure performed to remove the excess fat tissue and sculpt the body for a more aesthetically pleasing shape.


Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)


The skin on the upper arm area may sag due to the aging process and, especially, significant weight fluctuations. This condition can be bothersome for individuals when lifting their arms or wearing short-sleeved clothing. Arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, is a procedure performed to address this issue and eliminate the sagging skin on the upper arms.


Thigh Lift Surgery


The inner parts of the thighs may sag over time due to their thin skin structure. Thigh lift surgery helps to slim down the thigh area and eliminates sagging and waviness.

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